Saturday, December 08, 2007


Horseback Riding

We woke up early this morning to go horseback riding at Turtle Bay. It was a beautiful ride full of laughter thanks to the eating habits of our horses. I rode Koa, the Alpha male, who liked to nip at the other horses and give them the evil eye. Alexis rode Jerry, the eater, every time I turned around she was trying to pull him back on to the trail, and if he wasn't eating, he was as close to Koa's butt as possible. Grace rode Casper, fairly mellow through most of the ride however he did like to snack as the ride was ending. Then there was Courtney riding Coconut. Coconut was a bit slow, and there were several times we had to stop and wait for them.

The ride was about 45 minutes long through the forest and along the beach. We saw a bunker that was built after the 1941 Japanese attack, we saw the tower that first saw the radar blips of the Japanese planes on December 7, 1941 and we also saw a huge tree that was used in the filming of Lost.

After the ride Alexis and Grace got us kicked out of the hotel pool. Grace apparently isn't a good liar when they asked if we were hotel guests, so we went to the beach for a bit then headed on to Fumi's shrimp truck for lunch.

A nap and now we are ready for a night out in Waikiki.

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