Friday, December 21, 2007


First week of Unemployment

What have I done this week....

Tuesday we went to the gym then cleaned the house so the owner & his realtor could do a walk through as they prepare to sell our unit. They were very friendly, in and out in a flash and seemed to be very pleased and willing to work around the holiday and when mom & Bob are staying here in January.

Tuesday afternoon we went to see the new Will Smith movie, I am Legend. It wasn't what I was expecting but overall it was good. After that we went to Heidi's birthday party.

Wednesday I slept in and ran some errands in the afternoon. That evening we went to dinner at Gordon Biersch and then we went out in Waikiki for Tamika's going away party and it just so happened that Nashville was having their Christmas party, perfect timing.

Today, we slept in and then hiked LaniKai Hills where we had lunch at the top. We then tried to go to the beach but it was cold so home we went. Alexis' co-workers (Darlene & Denise) invited us to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. It was a very nice dinner with great food.

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