Friday, November 02, 2007


Road to Hana

We made it to Maui Wednesday afternoon for Halloween in Lahaina. The trip started off bad and didn't get much better.... from traffic to no reservations at the hotel (don't book through Orbitz, they sometimes forget to make your reservation), to Halloween itself, and a long car ride.

The block party was considered to be the "Mardi Gras" of the Pacific, however it was a bust. There weren't that many people, bars cost $15 to get in (we did not partake) and there was no drinking in the streets at the "block party." Therefore, it was an early night...

Today we got up, went to the pool...then had lunch and decided to drive to Hana. If you aren't familiar the "Road to Hana" is a 30 mile road that takes about 2 hours to drive one way. The road has 56 one way bridges and 617 curves. It is long and a bit dangerous but for those impressed by Hawaii's beauty, very well worth it. However Hana, the small town at the end, isn't worth it. Highlight of the drive was passing a burning van and then miles later seeing the fire trucks going to put it out. We weren't even sure a fire truck could fit on those narrow roads.

Overall the trip could have been better, but I was tired from my Denver trip and really just wanted to be home. Thankfully I don't have to fly anywhere for another few weeks.

You were one lucky gal to see that Packers game!! Grandpa and I dressed up for our costume party here--I was Minnie Pearl and he was Grandpa Jones (his Health Aid got him dressed in the am in his attire! However, no trick or treaters here in the building. How is job hunting coming? Take care--Love Grandma L
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