Thursday, November 29, 2007


Last classroom presentation

It's over, no more standing up in front of class talking about a topic I didn't pick. Tonight in political communication my team of three talked for 45 mins about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The class was divided into groups and asked to present on presidential candidates that we drew out of a hat. Luckily we were the first group to present (we didn't have to compare ourselves or feel inadequate considering there was no set format).

Overall we did good, got some laughs and it's over. All I have left is a final exam in political communication and my final paper (thesis) and its presentation. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This morning I was able to sit in on a defense (the presentation of your final paper/thesis) unfortunately the audience is only able to see the presentation of the paper (about 10 mins) and not the grilling of questions by the faculty. They usually last an hour or longer. An intense process.

As for the beginning of the week.... I turned in my official letter of resignation. My last day is December 17th. And I also spent a long time talking with the property manager for our apartment, apparently the owners want to take over managing and sell the property. From my understanding, they want to start showing the unit soon. It's bad timing with finishing the semester and company coming into town, but I guess it will work out.

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