Tuesday, October 02, 2007



Today Dr. Barnum told me that he would like to schedule all of our defenses on Nov 5th or 6th. What that means is that our professional papers or thesis need to be nearly completed and given to our committee to read prior to that date. I think my jaw dropped a bit when he told me. That is going to be pushing it to complete mine in a month, even with taking personal time at the end of this month I don't know if I can do it.

This by far is the most stressful semester yet. In addition to writing my thesis and talking a class in politics which I know nothing about, it doesn't help having to think about where I am going and what I will be doing come 2008. So in case you are wondering, I have no idea. But I promise I will let you know as soon as I figure it out.

Baby steps, Tash, Baby steps--not elephant steps!! Everything will fall into place if you take it bit by bit--just concentrate on the paper right now!! Love Grandma
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