Thursday, October 11, 2007


Class wasn't that bad tonight

The week is almost over and it hasn't been that bad. Last night I worked until 7pm at a faculty reception, luckily there was pupu's and wine. This evening class was kind of exciting. We created a mock press conference in regards to the recent Superferry issues. Currently Hawaii has decided to cease all Superferry trips between Oahu and Maui until an environmental assessment can be completed. The catch here is that the Superferry was first negotiated back in 2004 and finally came to start operations just this summer. There are a lot of issues in the local news regarding the Superferry so the mock press conference was pretty interesting. The current status is that state legislature may have to call a special session to discuss the issue.

So glad that you enjoyed the class a little last night--that makes it a lot better!!! How is the paper coming?? Hang in there. Love, Grandma M
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