Sunday, August 26, 2007


A weekend of first's

Friday and Saturday were nights of firsts for me. Friday night I had dinner at a friends house, he cooked. I can't remember a time that a guy has cooked for me.
Saturday Lynn came over in the afternoon, we did a little shopping had dinner and got ready for the night. Our friend Juliet was hosting a party at Chia's Bistro. It was a mixture of things including a Vodka model search and benefit for domestic violence. Luckily we were on the VIP list so we didn't have to pay the $15 cover. We met more friends there including Talsha and Cassandra with whom we later left to go to The O Lounge for a friend of a friends birthday party. Again we were VIP but we were late getting there so Cassandra had to work her magic to get us in. The O Lounge was 18+ so it was a bit odd. I haven't been in a 18+ club in a long time. Lynn and I didn't stay long before heading to Waikiki. Overall it was nice to be out on the town.

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