Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Hurricane Flossie preperation

So if you have been flowing the news you may have seen that there is a hurricane headed towards our islands. It is scheduled to pass by the southern most tip of the US (south point of the Big Island) by 70 miles. As of now it doesn't look like it is going to hit us, but just to be ready we ran out for some supplies. Nothing to drastic, all things we will be able to use in the future, so here is the list...

- Vienna Sausage
- Corn Beef Hash
- Hormel no bean chili
- 24 case of water
- 2 diet cokes
- bottle of Sierra Mist
- grill
- charcoal
- Cheetos
- pringles
- bread
- pretzels
- TP
- beer
- pudding snack pack
- beef jerky
- easy cheese
- crackers
- animal crackers

The hurricane is supposed to pass by the islands in around 24 hours... just know we are ready, we know where the high ground is and we have a full tank of gas.

On a side note, the news just came on and there was a 5.3 earthquake in Hilo. Thankfully no tsunami warning....

Tash-- where is the chocolate for energy?? With that menu you'll sleep through the storm!! Love, Grandma
stay dry.and high
love ya gram
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