Friday, August 24, 2007


Alexis left the island

It has been a busy week or so since my last post. Mainly today the MA/COM club had a bake sale to raise money for t-shirts and the upcoming semester events we have planned. We raised nearly $250. I was even adventurous enough to make zucchini bread, banana bread, and peanut butter cookies. All for a good cause....

Tonight I took Alexis to the airport, she is headed to Ohio/Kentucky for a while. This actually marks the first time I have been alone in the apartment, every other time she is gone at the same time or she stays here. Kinda weird. I guess I will have to find some things to do...

Well, maybe a little alone time is good! Sounds like you are having an interesting time. The wedding of Craig and April was very lovely and large. You missed seeing a lot of your relatives. Love, Grandma
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