Monday, June 04, 2007


Kuliouou Valley Trail

Saturday we tried to go hiking on the North Shore, at Kahana Valley but the
trail won the battle. We had tried this hike in the past but we were not successful so yesterday we went and tried again and it beat us. The trail was overgrown and hard to follow plus there were mosquitoes all over the place. So instead of hiking we tried going to the beach at Kualoa, it was very beautiful but not a place to swim, the reef was close to shore so we got our feet wet. Next, we went to a cute little orchid store. It had a lot of different gifts including some amazing flavoured Mac nuts, which we did not buy. Also, on the way home we stopped and bought a pineapple from a road side stand. Funny thing was that it had a Dole sticker on it.
This morning we woke went to a different trail in Hawaii Kai. The Kuliouou Valley Trail was nestled in a residential area back in a valley. We found it and had a nice time walking through the rain forest. For a while we thought we would have a friend joining us, Sargent, as we named him. He was a golden retriever that was all by himself at the beginning of the trail. But it turns out he wasn't interested in us so we went on with out him. The trail was less than a mile in so we were done pretty quickly. It felt good to be out on a trail again, I've missed it.

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