Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I'm going shopping....

This morning was my final weigh in with Alana. It went super well. I was hoping to reach my 24 hour goal of 177 lbs because I thought my personal goal of 175 lbs was too far away. Boy was I wrong. I weighed in at 173 lbs. Boo-ya baby... I am buying myself a new Coach purse. With a rough estimate Alana said I had lost 36 lbs and 26 inches overall. I feel great!

Alexis also weighed in at a really good weight for her. Well past her Meadow Gold goal of 237 lbs. Today she was at 229 lbs. For a loss of about 46 lbs since the start.

We also went in and met Mia tonight for a final evaluation. It went well, she will be calling us on Friday to let us know who won the competition. I did express my sadness over having no more free dairy products... and Mia told us to email her the amount of coupons we had left and she would extend the dates!! More free Dairy!!!

hi honey .
sounds like you did really well.
cant wait to see you when you get home
love gram
Congratulations Tash-- you did very very well, for the short period of time! Love, Grandma
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