Monday, June 11, 2007


Holiday Weekend...only in Hawaii

It has been a busy week... we have been going to the gym twice a day all week, except for Friday. Thankfully the holiday weekend is here. Yesterday we went to the gym and to the Grand Sumo Tournament in the afternoon then I went out with friends in Waikiki. The Grand Sumo event was the first of its kind in 14 years. The top 40 sumo wrestlers from Japan came over for it. It was very interesting and only a bit boring at times. There was an introduction to the event where they gave some background to the sport and then the tournament began. In the end, the Yokozuna (top sumo guy) won the event.

Today we went to the gym and then went shopping. We went to the Puma store where we both bought new shoes. Mine are very stylish, blue and green, to work out in as my current pair are getting worn out. Rankey's are pretty cool too.

After dinner we ventured out again, this time to Kalihi (a poorer area of town) in search of Ty and the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition crew. They are currently in town filming the season premiere episode for this fall. The road was shut down for local traffic only, but we kept going. There were a lot of cops out and it looked like they were filming a scene. The house must have just been finished as volunteers were all over the house/lawn and there was cheering. It was neat to see.

What Holiday is it there? Suma wrestling sounds interesting. Hope you had a good time. Love, Grandma
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