Saturday, June 23, 2007


And the winner is......

ME! Today at our going away party for Dr. Kearns I got a call from Mia at Meadow Gold. I told her we were celebrating and she said "here's another reason to celebrate... you won!" I told Talia I won, and she told the room which burst into applause. It was really cool... Mia could hear it on the other end of the phone. We will talk more tomorrow at the Perry and Price breakfast radio show.

While talking to Mia she said I won the majority of the areas she judged us on except over all weight loss (Alexis won that) and hips to waist ration (I think Alexis won that also). So over all we did great!! I called and told mom...who in turn sent me a beautiful floral arrangement.

Congratulations Tash--Great Job!! Love, Grandma
good job tash
love gram
I'm very proud of you!!! Congradulations.

Aunt Debbie
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