Wednesday, May 23, 2007


New Kids on the Block

Tonight was the official MS WALK victory party. Team captains were invited to the event plus a guest. There was food, prizes, and awards. The party was small only about 30 people. Some of the local company supporters came. We did receive an award "New Kids on the Block" we did the best out of any of the new teams. I think they said our final numbers were just over $2700. The plaque is nice, we get to keep it for a year then give it back so next year the new kid will get their name added. The plaque has winners since the 2002 walk. The team that raised the most money had brought in over $4000.

Unfortunately, the event wasn't handled as well as it could have been. It was not organized well and started late (at least according to my invitation). For all of the companies that were involved or sponsored teams, it was sad to see that they didn't raise much money. The are defiantly lacking a good volunteer person to over see the team captains. I wish I could get more involved but since I will be moving before the next walk I don't think it is appropriate, hopefully where ever I move next...

Highlight...Alexis and I did win prizes..... James Bond movie buckets!

Good for you and your team...I am sure you did real well and that was nice to win a plaque and some prizes. Thanks for all your help with this cause. Love MOM
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