Wednesday, May 09, 2007


My whole body aches

So I have been to the gym the past three days and I think my body is now in shock. I came close to passing out or possibly dieing during my work out yesterday. Today I couldn't bring myself to go into the gym because a majority of my body was hurting with every step I took. Luckily, Alana (my trainer) called to check on me after our intense full body workout yesterday. She really pushed me to the limits and I can happily report that I did not break. I completed everything she wanted me to do I may not have been smiling but I did it. Tonight she told me just to stretch and stay home... I like that plan alot.

However, I did catch myself strapping on hand weights and starting to work on my triceps. I've always heard that working out is contagious... but I never believed it. Hmm...

Keep up the hard work honey it will be worth it and start to be gram
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