Monday, May 28, 2007


Maui Fever

What an odd adventure... So Lynn, Alexis and I took a cab to the airport, arrived in plenty of time for our flight, we started to board the plane when they, Island Air, announced that we would be delayed. Not good for us because we already had a very limited time in Lanai before heading to Maui. So we went to the counter and asked to change our flight to go directly into Maui. It happens that there were seats available and they were just getting ready to board so away we went.

We decided to upgrade our rental car to a 4 door jeep wrangler. It was really nice. We headed to the winery before we had to pick up the other two girls. The winery was in the upcountry, very pretty up there. The other two girls got in about an hour apart from each other. We went to dinner at a nice Mexican Restaurant and then went go-karting.

Sunday we got up at 3:30am to head to Haleakala National Park. Haleakala is Hawaiian for the House of the Rising Sun. We drove to the summit at nearly 10,000 feet to watch the sun rise. It was well worth it. However, it was very cold (43 degrees) and a very windy road to the top.
After the sun rise we went to I-Hop for breakfast and back to the hotel to nap.

In the afternoon, we took a three hour snorkeling adventure boat trip. Snorkeling, laying on the sun deck and there was even a slide to enjoy. It was so cool. We had a deli lunch on the boat and beer & Mai-tais were flowing. After the boat ride we went to dinner and then out for a few drinks at Mulligans on the green.

This morning we relaxed before hoping on our plane back to reality. It was a really great trip... so many beautiful things to see and do. I can't wait to go back again.

Sounds like a fabulous trip Tash-happy to hear about it. Love, Grandma
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