Sunday, May 20, 2007


Lanikai Hills

What a great trail to get back into hiking. We travelled over the mountains to pick up Lynn for our "Lanikai Hills" hike this morning. The hike was said to be one of the most dry and dusty hikes on the island, but man was it worth it. The hike to the top only took around 30 minutes and at the top of the "hills" there were two pill boxes (WWII bunkers) which we were able to sit on and Lynn was daring enough to climb down into them. The hike itself was a challenge as there was a lot of loose gravel and some areas of steep climbing. But well worth it. We spent a long time at the very top pill box just looking at the view. We sat there long enough for one man to run up and down the trail twice and we passed him again on the way down. It was amazing and well worth the time. After the hike we went for a dip in the ocean. The rest of the day was spent doing homework and relaxing. It was a nice Saturday.

Tash--that sounded so nice--and historical plus getting exercise-Wow!! Love, Grandma
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