Friday, April 13, 2007


Perfect Stranger

Movie Premiere night... we went to the theater and found ourselves at the very end of a long line to get in... luckily our friend Kristane came to the door to meet us and two of her other friends just as the opened the door so we slide in. Yes, I did feel bad about cutting line and thought everyone was going to give me the evil eye... but Alexis said something like sometimes it's ok. Anyway, the movie was interesting. Not as scary as I thought but I did jump a couple times. It opens nation wide tomorrow.

As for the rest of the day... we had a MA/COM club meeting where I took over the vice - president position for next fall and we voted in some other new people. It was great, our executive board now consists of five people and two of them are males. That's pretty good for the Communication College. I also pushed for the MS WALK one more time because the walk is in two days. As of tonight, our club has raised $3,120.50. I am very happy and I know more money is coming. Plus, I am so close to $1000, that I have decided that is my new goal. I only need $92 to make it. Plus, we have 30 days after the event to raise money also.

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