Tuesday, April 10, 2007



Well I met with my nutritionist, Mia this evening. She analyzed my food log from 3 days last week and determined where I was and where I need to go. We discussed how to change my diet and get fit. I set a goal for myself, to lose 24 pounds from today's weight over the next 11 weeks. She thought that was a very reasonable goal and should be easy to obtain.

We went through dietary changes and she gave me the 24 hour fitness information I need in order to start working out. I will call my personal trainer, Alana, this week and set-up our inital meeting/weigh in etc. Mia also gave me a ton of coupons for free milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

So the idea of the challenge is to meet your own personal goal. They will then compare everyone and see who did the best at meeting their goal and that person will be the winner.

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