Monday, April 09, 2007


Hoppy Easter!!

Friday night was the April foolish party at Aloha Tower. Every year Will (Alexis' boss) buys tickets for his employees and their guests to attend this charity event for the Make a Wish Foundation. There was live music, drinks and heavy pupu's. As usual we felt a bit out of place, mainly because it was an older crowd, but we enjoyed the outing anyways.

Saturday I met with a group for one of my classes then went to the library. Busy day of studying for me. In the afternoon we drove Heidi to her new 'Chinese Tree house Mansion' as she affectionately calls it. She officially got the keys this weekend and she wanted us to see it. It has a killer view of Diamond Head, the ocean and downtown. Only problem is the house has been vacant for 2+ years and it needs serious help. It looks like one of those fixer upper types. But it has great potential and it's on Roundtop Drive.

Today we went to church in the park with a nice lunch provided by the church afterwards. It was nice to be outside for a change. After that we had to make a pit stop at the grocery store in order to get extra supplies for Easter dinner. We ended up making ham, mashed potatoes, veggie casserole, salad, potato salad, rolls and our guests brought an assortment of yummy desserts. It was a success as usual with our holiday parties. Alexis even hid 24 plastic eggs in the living room... you can see from the pictures it was a hit!!

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