Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Bake sale & PHOTO SHOOT

We were up early this morning to prepare for our MS Bake Sale. Talsha picked us up a little after 6:30am so we wouldn't have to walk with all of our crazy baked goods. The bake sale was a huge success. It's all about location, location, location. And my building was a success, instead of trying to sell baked goods to students on the mall we set up by the elevators of a huge office building. We were pretty much out of all of our merchandise by 9am. We made $260, all going towards the MS Walk. It was a very good day...everyone involved did an awesome job!!

My first official photo shoot for the 'Challenge' was today. It was pretty cool, like a real photo shoot. We met the other two contestants, one dropped out and they aren't sure if they are going to replace her. We started with a group photo shoot... we all had to stand close together and hold glasses/containers of milk. Then we had are individual photo shoots. We sat for our head shots then we posed with more milk. The final pictures will be published in the Midweek Newspaper and Smart Magazine.

Good for you. I am happy about the milk thing and photo shoot, I bet it was fun...and the MS bakesale was great, Thank you....Love MOM
You did really well on the Bake Sale--how many of you baked?? Love, Grandma
hi honey .
glad to see your doing so good on the MS donations.also think its great about the milk stuff ..good luck on all of it,
love y GRAM
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