Friday, February 02, 2007



The week is over and I made it through alive. I think things will be better on Tuesday since I give my first lecture to the undergraduate class Monday and I still have to prepare for it. Thankfully, I had two different people, a fellow student and a faculty member, tell me I was good at speaking in front of classes. That makes me feel better.

As for today... Club Carnival. It was a crazy busy fun day. We set up this morning a little before 10am... our booth was nice, I don't think we won any prizes but it was nice. I wasn't able to sit at the booth as I was working today but I helped with both set up and take down. I was even able to walk around during the middle of the day and look at other booths and that's when I bumped into a gentleman that knew my name. I must admit I was startled at first but he quickly informed me who he was. His name is Larry and he is Michele's (my friend from Madison) uncle that lives here. He had read on my blog that I would be down there and thought he would try and find me. It was amazing that I happened to be down there the same time he was looking for me. He was a very nice guy, we may try and do dinner when Michele is in town in March.

The rest of the day was good... we held an MA/COM event in my building from 4:30-6pm with pizza and prizes. Eight new members signed up at the meeting, not too bad.

sounds like your very busy.
also sounds like lots of fun.its a small world whe someone can find you there . nice
Tash---well, you have all the LUCK--don't you on meeting people!! Really a small world. That's so nice. It's only 25 below here this morning--so really enjoy your wonderful weather. Love, Grandma
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