Thursday, February 15, 2007


Valentine's Day 2007

What did I do on my valentines Day? I went to work where I received two boxes of chocolate. I went to class then Heidi, Linda, Alexis and I ordered Bangkok Chef and watched Lost while sipping some bubbly. Heidi also brought over a decorative cake which we enjoyed very much. Overall not a bad V-Day...but not much out of the ordinary. I hope everyone had a great day!

Tash--Happy belated Valentine's Day! Nothing exciting here happened--you had more excitement. Well, there was a party here in theCommunity room at 10 am and we had a performer/singer who did a great job but "no Bubbly". Guess could have had some in apartment by myself. Love, Grandma
Hey Natasha,
I have been keeping updated with your blogs. It's fun to hear what you are doing. Sounds like you are busy and doing well. Send me an e-mail some time. I am in my eighth musical at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre here in the Twin Cities. Going on four years working there. It's the best job ever for me! After this show that we just opened (Easter Parade), which closes in June, I am going to be taking a break from performing. The schedule is opposite of Peter's and he has been a huge trooper with it. It's time for us to be on the same schedule and me not doing 8 shows a week with the only day off being Monday. I have been grateful to work at such a great theatre with such wonderful people who have become close friends of mine. I am looking forward to spending time with Peter and going on a vacation with him. So, that's a little of my life. My e-mail is (Yes, the middle initial is "n", just so you catch that.) It would be great to hear from you!

Your old college roommate,
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