Wednesday, February 07, 2007



OK I know you are wondering what the topic of my thesis is, so here goes.... The history of Public Relations in Hawaii since 1945. I will be working closely with members of the local PRSA, the professional organization for public relations. PRSA is the top of the top when it comes to professional organizations so working with them is going to be very good for me and my future contacts. I met with a couple of them today and they gave me some great information to start working with and they have offered a lot more help/assistance along the way. PRSA Hawaii is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year so my thesis will play into that in a big way. Being involved in this process is pretty cool.

Another highlight of the day.. I signed the paperwork for my pay raise since I have been there a year I got the maximum 3%... woo who!

It sounds like you will be affiliated with a wonderful group that may be very helpful to you in the future. Hope it's what you want. Bet Pro-football time will be exciting there but hope the rain stops! We are still having our "heat wave" of below zero. Mert and I leave for St. Paul in the am. Love, Grandma
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