Sunday, February 11, 2007


ProBowl Weekend

As the weekend winds down I can look back and smile. It was a whole lot of fun, great people, great food, great time. Alexis and I went to Waikiki Friday night for the block party which consisted of 5 different stages and lots of merchandise and food booths. We walked around for a while, watched the mascots and there was a stage filming a TV show. There we watched a bit of Warren Moon and Thomas from the ravens be interviewed. We headed out after about an hour, but it was fun to check it out.

Saturday morning we woke up at 6am to start getting ready. Plans changed a bit right away before 7am...not a big deal we were able to get to the stadium and get pretty amazing parking spots for our tailgating. We even manged to get 3 of the 4 cars parked together, we would have had all three but the parking attendants weren't cooperating with us, not for lack of trying by Alexis.

By 9:30am the beers were flowing and the grill was fired up. Our group had between 11-15 people at any given time. We ate hot wings, hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, steak kabobs, turkey rolls plus an assortment of other things from potato salad to brownies. We played football and had a jolly time. By about 1:15 we decided to head into the game (yes, the game started at 1pm here). The game was pretty fun, our seats were almost at the top of the stadium but they were pretty good.

As you know the bad guys won...but the good guys seem to have put up a good fight. We were home by 6:15pm after dropping off our friends.

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