Friday, February 16, 2007


Library visit

The week has went well...nothing too out of the ordinary except my trip to the state library. I actually took time off of work yesterday for my library trip. First of all, the state library has weird hours everyday of the week they close at 5pm except for Thursday when they are open until 8pm and they are only open Saturday not Sunday. So I determined in order for me to get my thesis research done I may need to take a little time off of work on Thursday afternoons, when I don't have class which is now every other week. Anyways, at the library I actually asked two different Librarians in different departments for assistance, they were very helpful. I had to re-learn how to use the Microfiche machine to review the old newspapers, interesting machine but I think it will make me motion sick.

And to end the week on a good's a holiday weekend and we are off to the Big Island, Hawaii. Talsha will be our tour guide and she seems to have things set... Talsh and I leave tomorrow at 7:45am and Alexis leaves tomorrow night at 5:30pm. It should be a blast...a Big Island tour in about two days....

sounds like you have the library figured out. Enjoy your time on the big island. I hope it is calmer than the last visit. Love,
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