Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Is it too much to ask...

Is it really to much to expect someone you have worked rather closely with for the past year to remember your name? I don't think so... but last week one of my professors the Dean of the College of Communication called me Natalie, twice, during class. Then today he came into my office and asked if I was presenting a chapter in class that night, I looked at him not knowing what to say when he finally remembered that I had present my chapter last week.

I thought for a while to myself... am I being petty, thinking that the Dean should know my name and remember if I has presented the previous week? I decided no... I should be able to expect that. I sat outside his office door for 7 months and still see him on a daily basis. I guess everyone has a bad day and I don't think he noticed the name thing but golly....

His class is also making me crazy... he kept us until the very end of class tonight 8:10pm and still expects us to put in the roughly 10 hours as a TA and do a bunch of homework for him. next week we have to create a hypothetical course and make an entire syllabus plus two gift sheets and read four chapters. I am not sure who he thinks we are but he is expecting an awful lot from us.

It has been a long day and I just finished my first draft of a five page paper with power point presentation that is due for tomorrow night. I didn't even get to celebrate Mardi Gras.

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