Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Ethics Lecture

I was on a high the rest of the day. The lecture on Standard, Ethics, and Values left me feeling great. I almost floated back to work afterwards. Leading up to the class period I was a bit nervous, but once I got into the room and started talking it was fine. There were a few silent moments when I would ask a question and no one answered right away... but once I got them talking it was great. I honestly didn't expect the experience to go so well. I loved it!

Good for you honey..Iam so glad it went well for you, and you liked it. This is just the beginning of it all for you, so just enjoy it.. Love MOM
Atta Girl!! Maybe college professor is your calling :) Miss you so much!!! Check any other room structures lately???
Tash--Great beginning in your new adventure!!Sounds like this semester is going to really be interesting!! Still below zero here!! Love, Grandma
great start honey
keep it up.i know all will go great for you no matter what you choose to do
professor sounds good
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