Monday, February 19, 2007


BIG island FUN

Saturday morning Talsha and I caught a flight to Hilo at 7:45am. Her brother in law and nieces picked us up because we couldn't get our rental can until noon. We hung out in Hilo, had breakfast, went to BJ Penn's dojo (he is a UFC fighter from Hilo), we also went to an AKC dog show for a bit. There was a lot going on in Hilo.... we finally picked up the car and headed to Pahoa, the town Talsha is from. Her mom had curry stew ready for us then Talsha took me on a tour of the area. Alexis flew in around 6:30 and we went to pick up pizza and back to the hotel prior to meeting some of Talsha's friends for drinks.

Saturday we woke up early and went to the National Volcano Park then proceeded to drive to Kona. We stopped along the way to see Akaka Falls, some scenic lookouts, eat hot Malasadas from Tex's and finally into the Islands at Mauni Lani (the townhouse owned by Alexis' company). How cool is it they let us use this 2100+ square foot house right on a golf course. It was amazing... 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 4 lani's, a plasma TV, and much more.... We really didn't want to leave the townhouse. However we napped and everyone took a bath in the luxurious bathrooms before looking at the development sight that Alexis' company is working on then we headed to Kona for dinner/drinks. We started at Kona Brewing Company and then ate at Kona Inn (never eat there... the service is BAD). We were back to the townhouse by 10:30pm.

Sunday morning we woke up...made coffee and headed down this paved trail to the shoreline. It was beautiful, we walked passed lava tubes and fish ponds. Alexis and I even slipped into the hotel pool. After the beach we went back to wash our sheets and relax a bit. We ended up leaving the resort around 1pm to drive back to Hilo for our 4:30 flight back.

It was a great weekend...

Glad you had a good time!
Miss you,
So great to hear about your wonderful trip!! Love, Grandma
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