Friday, January 26, 2007


Spring 2007 Semester

The semester has begun and things seem to be looking pretty good. If you would have asked me last week I would have been freaking out about my courses but after the first meetings it seems like it will be an enjoyable semester.

I will be taking 3 courses plus I will be working as a teaching assistant in an undergraduate course in public relations. I will be taking Teaching Techniques, Health care Communication, and Professional paper 1 (thesis). My thesis will take the next year (2 semesters) to complete but it will be well worth it. I am pretty happy to say I have a topic for my thesis which could help direct my career path in a very good way. I'm excited!

sounds like all is going well. what is your thesis sure it will be great no matter what it is.
love gram
Hey Tash--what is the thesis topic--you are leaving us all in suspense!!! Love, Grandma
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