Saturday, January 13, 2007


Sony Open in Hawaii

Yes the Sony Open is a PGA (golf) event with the best in the world attending. Well not all of the best this year, Mr. Woods was not present at the event this year. Yet, we arrived at the Waialae Country Club around 10:30am and found our way to the first whole to see people tee off. We watched last years winner, David Toms tee off then a short while later the local 16 year old boy, Tadd Fujikawa. Tadd had an enormous following with him so we decided to track down Vijay Singh, he teed off a few minutes before Tadd so we had to hustle to catch up to him on the 5th hole. The whole thing was very interesting. We stuck with Vijay most of the time we were there up until about the 11th hole. We decided to head to spectator village and then leave. It was a beautiful day and well worth the $10 admission to see what the PGA is all about.

On another note... even though people were worried, there was no Tsunami from the earthquake off the Kuril Islands. Whew...another natural disaster avoided.

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