Monday, January 08, 2007


Rummage Sales

I had a very busy weekend. Friday night we went to Safeway to pick up a few groceries we missed while at Costco and we cleaned/organized some of the apartment. Saturday we fogged our apartment for bugs (we try to do it every 6 months) so we had to be out of the apartment for 4 hours. We went to Kailua to the post office and to the Salvation army. I actually donated some clothes a shoes. We were looking for a new piece of furniture for the living room since the Christmas tree came down on Friday night. No such luck. It was also overcast so we didn't hit the beach but instead with Heidi in tow... we went to rummage sales. We had a good time... found some good things. But no furniture for the living room. However Alexis did find some wonderful red decorations....

In the afternoon we joined the YMCA and found a small bookshelf at Walmart. For my birthday Heidi had given me a month membership to Netflex so my first movies came... the rest of Saturday was spent watching Eight Below and Jackass 2. Netflix is a pretty cool thing....

Today was more low key... church followed by shopping. I only bought 1 pair of shoes and the are flip flops that I absolutely love, I had a pair in the past but after years they wore out so I finally replaced them.

Sounds like lots of fun and on top of it--you have your Christmas tree down!! Love, Grandma
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