Monday, January 15, 2007


Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today was a holiday so I took the time to enjoy the island and boy was it a beautiful day. Alexis and I had a random day of fun playing tourist. We started by heading down to Fort DeRussey in Waikiki to take some pictures. My goal was to get a great picture of me in front of Diamond Head wearing my Red Shed t-shirt. Then I will mail the picture, an 8x10 framed to the bar where they hopefully will hang it on the wall with all of the others. After the beach we headed out of Waikiki and drove past Leonard's Bakery, only the most famous bakery of Malasadas. So we turned around a got some..yummy. Next we headed to the Hawaii Kai/Sandy Beach area to a botanical garden hidden in Koko Head Crater. It was pretty neat but we were not prepared for the 2 mile loop in our slippahs so we walked a bit then headed back to the car. Onward we went to the new Maakapu lookout for a few pictures and into Kailua to vacuum out the car.

Upon arrival at home we made homemade calzones (thanks for the idea Beth) and watched The Illusionist and Troy.

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