Thursday, January 18, 2007


Making decisions

This week has been a tough one on me with a lot of tough decisions to either make or start thinking about. With one year of school left I have to start thinking about what I am going to write my thesis on and if I have enough time to take a class I really want to take without running myself into the ground with school and work. I also have to start thinking about where the heck I am going and what type of job I want, basically where my life will be in one year hinges on my actions now.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of ideas but still it is hard. I have another few days to enjoy winter break before classes resume and I plan on doing my best to put decisions aside for the weekend.

Honey..Just enjoy your weekend and your company..Have a good time and take care, It will all come in good time..Love you MOM
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