Wednesday, January 17, 2007



It was game night with the twenty something group. We drove out to Makakilo to Kate's house for dinner followed by a wonderful new game called Mafia. Yes, its like being in the mafia. You get one card which means you are either a villager or in the mafia where you actually kill people. It is a very interesting game of solving the mystery. There is also a doctor and a sheriff to help and the entire game is overseen by a moderator that tells funny stories of how the villagers are killed off. Ask me sometime how to play it.... you wont regret it. It was a fun night but we barely got back by 11:20pm...that's a bit late for me on a weeknight...

Tash--Which were you??? Sounds like fun. Snow here-believe it or not!!Also, on the chilly side. Love, Grandma
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