Sunday, January 21, 2007



Yep, we went to a driving range in Hawaii Kai yesterday to hit some balls. It was pretty fun, we were able to buy a bag of 60 balls for $3 and they even lent us clubs to use. I think I would like to learn more about it and try out some of these beautiful golf courses on the island. Plus I will be receiving a year subscription to Golf Magazine free from my trip to the Sony Open so maybe I can learn a bit more. I am close to being all set, I even went and bought cute pink Puma's for my "golfing" shoes and I bought a golf glove to help protect my hand. There are actually city/county golf courses, six of them around the island, that only charge like $10 for a twilight round or 9 holes. I think that is pretty good.
Aside from golfing we went to the beach after church was a beautiful day. We frolicked in the ocean and I gotta little pink in the face. I was actually talking to Mom at the beach... I think she said it was still snowing in Wisconsin... hmm me on a sunny beach or me in cold Wisconsin, I think I made a good decision.

Tasha while you were relaxing on the beach I braved the snowy weather and took Keanah to her first concert!! We went to see High School Musical. It was great. and worth braving the weather.

Tash--learn that golf now as it's much harder as you get older. Have lots of fun!! Yeah, it's chilly here and grey and we did have snow but it's pretty much gone now. Love, Grandma
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