Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The beginning of a busy week...

Today I attended my first class as a teaching assistant (TA). It was interesting, I think it will be a great refresher for me on the basics of Public Relations. To start off class I spoke to Penny (the instructor) and she gave me a list of the things I will be doing in the class. Attendance, collection of assignments, help her with setup or additional needs, I will create and grade two quizzes for the class to take, and I will lead two lectures the first lecture being next Monday. Nothing like being thrown into the situation.
As for the rest of my week....busy. Lots to do and little time to do it. Aside from having an assignment due in each of my classes, I also have to attend my TA class, start formulating my thesis, I am a officer in two different clubs on campus, and we are hosting a major event Friday night for one of them. I am a member of both IABC, International Association of Business Communicators, and MA/COM gso, a communication graduate student organization. This Friday is club carnival where we decorate a booth and sit on Fort Street Mall for 5 hours trying to recruit new members and pass out information all while having the best looking table which could win our club money. It is a crazy day followed by a MA/COM evening of pizza, prizes and the art walk. Unfortunately the President of the MA/COM club is out of town so I have to throw all of this together this week, that's right, we didn't start anything for it last week.
Once I make it through this week I will be so happy!!

Tasha...Wow lots to do this week but you can handle it I am sure...and you will have lots of fun doing it all..good luck with your TA classes ..Love MOM
Good Luck this week! You can do it!!!!!!!

:) Beth
Look at all the people that are depending upon you!!! Sounds like you can have a blast!! Love, Grandma
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