Saturday, December 02, 2006


What a week!

Busy...busy...and more busy. I had two presentations this week which consumed a lot of my free time preparing for. Tuesday night was my COM law presentation ( it could have gone better) and Saturday was my Qualitative COM presentation (better than the law presentation). But I also had class on Friday night where we watched a movie about the Massey case, a very famous rape/murder case that happened here in 1931/1932 involving locals and a naval family. It was worth watching, very interesting.

The highlight thus far was my President's Host Christmas party on Wednesday night. It was from 6-8pm at Sorentos, a fancy restaurant at the top of the Ilikai hotel in Waikiki. It was a lavish event. Invite only thrown by the President of the University. We had prime rib, lamb, ribs, chicken, all the fixings. They also gave us two drink tickets and Santa came. I lucked out and got a HPU sweatshirt. I mingled around with a bunch of people from the University, mainly the President, Senior Vice Presidents, Deans and a few faculty members. It was a really nice event.

Last night I capped off the week with Talsha's birthday party. Apparently Karaoke is a HUGE thing here. There are actually places that you can rent Karaoke rooms where you can bring your own food and drink. It was a bit overwhelming as everyone got pretty loud in a small space. But I sang some songs....Miami by Will Smith and Lynn and I sang, Save a Horse ride a Cowboy by Big and Rich, that was a party stopper. I don't think the crowd we were with was into country music, LOL.

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