Friday, December 15, 2006


This is what I live for....

Deadlines.... I guess I must love the pressure of them. For the first time in a long while I actually finished a paper days before it was due. And to be perfectly honest... I don't feel good about it. It's not the same feeling as when I am waiting until the last minute, hoping that it will be finished in time to hand in. I love the rush I guess... for instance tonight. Here I am blogging when I know darn well that my last assignment/paper of the semester is due tomorrow morning at 10:30am. In addition to it not being done...there is a bunch of other things I need to accomplish before class tomorrow. Like get ready for our Christmas party at the apartment tomorrow...I need to grocery shop, clean, start making some food, plus for other needs I have to go to the flea market in the morning and stop by the post office too. For a normal person that seems like a lot of stuff...then throw in the 10 page paper I am still needing to finish...don't go getting to worried for me, I will have it done. I actually already have 7 pages so really I am in the home stretch now....

Here's an idea...Let's get rid of Marie as my middle name and call me Natasha Procrastinator Piper. Now doesn't that sound good???

Oh yeah to throw more salt on the wound...I went out for Alexis' birthday last night instead of writing my paper... what a life I lead, at least I was the designated driver :-)

Oh Tash---It all seems normal to me!!!!!!!!!!! You'll make it!!!!
Love, Grandma
By the way--how is that toe doing??I don't think it slowed you down any!! Grandma
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