Thursday, December 07, 2006



Well finals are quickly approaching and everyone should already know that I am a huge procrastinator. Yes, I have waited again until close to the end to start my papers. I only have two due this semester but they are both 10-12 pages and they are research papers with theories. Tonight I finally decided to put some effort into my International Com paper, it is due Friday. So I think I made good progress, I have 6 pages so far. Plus we went to the University of Hawaii library tonight to get more resources (HPU has the worst library ever). Unfortunately, I stubbed my toe leaving the library. I actually ripped it open, not pretty, so now I am wearing some weird protector bandages on the toe, because everyone knows its hard to keep a band aid on your big toe.

We also took the time to finish our tree trimming. Mom and Bob sent a box of ornaments to help us decorate the tree and it looks pretty nice. Mind you this is a cheapo tree from Home Depot. I am including a picture of our tree and my work tree... I bet you cant tell which is which :-)

Hi honey...Your Christmas tree is not that bad..It looks good ...Just study and get your papers done ...I sure hope your toe heals good..I bet that hurt alot. I can't wait to see you..Take care LOVE MOM

The tree looks excellent, I had a hard time telling them apart until I recognized the arm of the couch in your apartment. Too bad about the toe, if you just had a little snow you would have had a shoe or boot on and the toe would have been safe. Have fun wrapping up the semester with your research...Love Dad
your tree is really very nice tash==
hope all your papers go well for you; as for the toe come home like your dad said and wear shoes..
we love you see you soon
gram and geo
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