Friday, December 29, 2006


Recap of events so far...

Well I am coming to an end of my stay here in Wisconsin and I am sad to see it ending. I have had a lot of fun and seen a lot of important people in my life. I was able to spend Christmas eve with all of my mom's side and seeing my goddaughter Kyra was wonderful, it was her first Christmas. Christmas day was very traditional I opened presents with mom and Bob which included beautiful diamond earrings and an ipod then I headed to dad's house for brunch with Grandma and Mert. Very nice, dad got me a new digital camera which everyone should be happy about because the current one doesn't always work. Overall Christmas was just how I remember it, full of family and fun.

I was also able to go out with friends a couple of nights. We celebrated Beth's birthday with the typical Nitty Gritty birthday mug and a group of friends in Madison and I also went out Thursday night to catch up with other friends. During the week Laura and I went for her first Bridal gown fitting and I think we picked out the bridesmaid dresses for her wedding in July.

I also did a lot of shopping with mom. As of right now I think I have 5 new pairs of shoes plus an assortment of other goodies. I just can't help shopping in Madison...Hawaii can't compare to good old JCPenny and Kohl's.

There is still a bit more of my adventure in Wisconsin as I am going to a wedding tomorrow and fly out on Sunday, New Years Eve. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I'm glad I have such a great family and wonderful friends.

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