Monday, January 01, 2007


New Years Eve

Well I made it back to Hawaii safely and so did my luggage! My bags were actually some of the first to come off the conveyor belt, so I was stoked. Plus I actually landed about 40 minutes early into Honolulu so that was nice. I got home... unpacked a bit (mainly the food mom and Bob sent with me *thanks*) and I decided I need to go out even though I am very tired but it is an odd thing here in Hawaii. People love fireworks...I could see them all over the place on my ride from the airport, and now I can most certainly hear people lighting them and partying. Thankfully Talsha is on her way and I am going to do my best to stay up to celebrate tonight.

Have a wonderful New Year!! Thanks to everyone for a wonderful visit in Wisconsin!

glad your home safe and sound
Tash--Nice to have all those Fire Works to welcome you back, isn't it? Didn't hear any here! Was wonderful to have you here for brunch and to see you. Remember to get that flash light and candles. In the Hawaiian tradition--Keep Lit Up!! Love, Grandma
Hi honey..Glad to hear you made it back in good shape and your luggage was at the airport...I really had a great time with you here, but the time went by real usual...Good luck with your last year at school...Love MOM
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