Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Whew....I can relax now. All of my grades have been posted in a super secretive place on the internet that only a select few can get to.... but here they are folks...

International Comm = B
Comm Law & Ethics = B
Qualitative Comm = A

Not too shabby!!!

Hi honey..glad your grades are posted and you did good in your classes...Sorry you are sick..Sure hope its better when you get here...I can't wait to see you tomorrow (Friday)...Love you MOM
Tash, The grades look pretty good considering all of your trials and tribulations this semester. I hope that the sore throat is better and that you have a safe trip home. See you soon, Love Dad
Wonderful Tash--Congratulations-those grades are really good!!! Nurse that sore throat and have a good flight. Love, Grandma
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