Sunday, November 26, 2006


Weekend re-cap

Saturday afternoon was a nice break from homework. One of the Communication faculty and my mentor, Penny invited a bunch of Grad students and other COM faculty to her house for a beach day and BBQ. She lives over in Kailua in a very nice neighborhood. Her house was amazing, the most beautiful I've been in since I got here. She even has a guest house, which Alexis and I briefly considered moving into...but she didn't say she was renting it. We got to her house and headed down to the beach, it was about two blocks away. We played in the water for a while with Lynn before heading back to Penny's house. We mingled a bit with students and faculty. There was a lot of gecko's running around including the one that ran onto Alexis' foot to eat a fly. Kinda creepy....

Sunday morning we woke up and went to Pacific Island Bible Church in Mililiani. It was pretty nice. We saw the group of people we went bowling with Friday night and they invited us to sit with then and then to lunch but we opted not to go as we were heading to the North Shore for shrimp and sun.

We went to the first shrimp shack that actually peeled the shrimp prior to cooking. It was a lot cleaner. Then to the beach for a bit... there was supposed to be a surf competition today but apparently the 5 foot waves weren't good enough.

Hi Tash, You sure are having a great time!! Wish I were there. I forward Jen your blogs (as she can't get them at the library) and Leona and Carl check in--Leona every time she goes on. Go Girl!!Love, Grandma
Hey tasha....what is your email...or could you email me at thankx
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