Monday, November 06, 2006


On Location

Today at my office building a scene from the TV show LOST was filmed. It was pretty neat to see all of the equipment they needed to film. There were probably 20-30 crew/production staff on hand along with an assortment of extras dressed in what appeared to be winter attire. I did not see and of the stars and I'm not sure what the actually scene was but at one point I came down stairs got off the elevator and was sushed by a crew member because they were filming a the precise time. As I was walking away from the 'set' I heard someone yell "CUT." From the main level I could see people in the scene at the top of the escalator. I am including a picture of the equipment that they had outside our building. I wasn't sure I could take a picture inside with them filming.

Gee, you get to see & hear lots of interesting "stuff" where you are.Keep Trucking!! Love, Grandma
Dear Natasha,
We are your friend Michele Vollmer's Aunt&Uncle Dawn&Larry Wegger in Honolulu (you can refer to us as "The Others";) and so delighted she gave us a heads up on your site, what a treat to read of your adventures especially as you are an excellent writer with great photos. Larry's a SAG actor you probably saw as he happens to be in this scene you saw taped, he was at the top of the escalator along with another background guy Andy. He then saw them filming the following Wed morning right in front of 900 Ft. St. Mall, and saw Ian Cusick (Desmond), the guy he worked with on Monday getting made up right on the street. As your Grandma says, keep trucking.
Me ke aloha, Dawn and Larry Wegger
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