Tuesday, November 14, 2006


LOST again....

Wow LOST has been busy filming downtown a lot this week. Yesterday they set up 'Thailand' right infront of our Student Center on Fort Street Mall. I had head they were set to tape at 6pm so I decided to meet Heidi at the bar which isn't far from the shooting. I got there and within minutes I found out they were actually using the door of the bar for part of the filming. A short while later we saw a scantly clad women in red walk down the street and into the bar...following her was Matthew Fox (Jack). He came into the bar and then they both left. This happend over and over and over again. He ended up coming in and asking for the bathroom, which I directed him to (it wasn't very busy because it was hard to get into the bar with the filming outside). I would say they reshot the scene about 10 times, with Matt coming in for another bathroom break.

Sounds like your had a great time in L A . great!!! and the picture of the star from losr is too.
keep having a good time and let us all know how it goes

Why weren't they filming when I was in town? Keep us posted and have fun directing the stars to bathrooms. Love, Dad
Tash--I thought LOST was on an island somewhere. Guess I'll have to watch it to see how they got to land!! You have a lot of activity where you are. Great!! Love, Grandma
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