Thursday, November 23, 2006


Happy TURKEY Day!

I cooked my first Thanksgiving feast today with the help of Alexis. It started a little rough as the 11 pound turkey I had taken out of the freezer on Monday was still a bit frozen (I could not pull the neck out with out a fight and a bit of hot water). But the bird was stuffed with homemade stuffing (which Alexis spent the past few days preparing) and it was in the oven by 9:15am. I had made the pumpkin pie the night before so we only had cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, ham and a dessert to worry about.

We had six guests come for Turkey at 1pm. They each brought an assortment of goodies including, broccoli , green bean casserole, rolls, potato salad, onion rolls, pumpkin cream cheese cake, turnovers, and wine.

It was a success, with eve
ryone tired and full. A big thanks to mom for the mail delivered ham, everyone was impressed with it and wanted to send their appreciation.

I will be heading to bed early tonight as Black Friday shopping is tomorrow. I have plans of being up around 2:30am.....

Happy Turkey day to you also....Jason Sweney
Well honey...Glad things turned out good for your Thanksgiving Day...I bet Black Friday was interesting!!...Love MOM
Sounds like you had a great time!! I'm proud of you for taking on the turkey.Grandma
the bird looked great honey!!!!!!!!!! .. good for you doing a nice thanksgiving .
must have been fun.
I'll bet the chick with the booze is the life of the party.
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