Thursday, November 02, 2006


Halloween week

It has been an interesting week so far. Tuesday night I went to Waikiki with a few friends to check out the costumes. So the group of us went dressed as a flapper (me), an Ohio State fan (Alexis), a Miller Lite girl (Lynn) a bumblebee (Amanda) and the naked chef (Danada). There is a pretty big turnout, but nothing like Madison. There were some pretty unique costumes including a midget covered in blood with a cord attached to a woman. It was actually pretty gross. After wandering around for a bit we decided to go have a drink, we ended up at Nashville because everywhere else we went there was a cover. It was pretty nice, not too crowded. We were home at a reasonable hour.

Unfortunately I had started to get a sore throat Tuesday and it progressed. I went into work for 2 hours Wednesday and I am still home today. I really can't get used to the crazy Hawaiian weather. And to top it all off, there have been flash floods and possible 'mainland' type tornadoes.

It's Friday morning and I hope that you are feeling better by now. Halloween in Madison was pretty tame this year from all accounts. Sounds like some usual weather for the islands. Have a great day.
Glad that you had some fun--there weren't as many arrests in Madison this year for Halloween--a lot of people had House Parties instead of going down State Street. Hope you are feeling better. Love, Grandma
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