Saturday, November 25, 2006


Black Friday

Well its all over and we lived through it. We had heard that you need to arrive early to get in line for some places. he list we had mapped out included Circuit City, Best Buy, Walmart, and Home Depot. Mind you there was nothing of great importance at any of these locations, a few gifts and things for myself. Mainly I go because it is the Thanksgiving day tradition that mom and I always do. So our first stop was going to be Circuit City but the line was so incredibly long it wasn't imaginable. I later found out the first person in line was there a full 24 hours before the doors opened (this is the only Circuit City on the island). So instead we drove by Best Buy and ended p at Walmart. Walmart is open 24-hours so we were able to go inside do some shopping and then wait by the 'deals' which were wrapped in black tarps in the middle of the isles. We were waiting and made our move as the black wrap was taken off. Unfortunately we were relatively close to the portable DVD plays and things went a bit crazy. Alexis saw a women get hit in the head with a DVD player as people were throwing them. One also came very close to hitting Alexis. Needles to say, our morning wasn't starting out great... after leaving there we went to Best Buy where Alexis took our list and went inside as I was waiting to get into the parking lot. She was already standing in line before I was able to park the car. Our time at Best Buy was productive....we got a lot of good stuff. Next we did go back to Circuit City we got inside and the escalator wasn't working, the air conditioning was off, and it was packed. We did not stay as all of the deals were looking for were gone. Finally to Home Depot, not much there but I did purchase a 6.5 foot Christmas tree with lights already on it for $29.99, what a deal.

After napping and watching a couple movies Alexis had a call from Kate, she is one of the leaders of a 20 something group at Pacific Island Bible Church (she went once while I was in LA). Kate invited her to go bowling in which Alexis invited me. So what the heck...why not meet new people. So we went bowling at Schofield (the army post). It was a lot of fun and after the first game it was cosmic bowling with black lights and music. The group seems to do a lot together, camping, card night, karaoke, etc... Sunday I think we are gong to church to check it out. Alexis says it is an upbeat happy place. So it should be fun.

HI ..Good luck at chruch tomorrow I am sure you will enjoy it...Well it is a tradition that you and I go shopping on Black Friday..So I missed you alot...Bob and I went a bit later in the morning but still we went..Next year will be eariler..I loved talking to you during our shopping experience..Love MOM
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