Monday, October 02, 2006



Saturday night in Waikiki

I attended the premiere of LOST the hit ABC television show filmed on the island. It was held at Queens beach in Waikiki. All the stars were there plus we got to see the episode 5 days before it airs nationally on Wednesday night. So here's how my night went...we arrived after the red crpet arrivals started and unfortunately my camera wasn't working great. After the red carpet we walked around a bit...there were over 15,000 people at the beach to watch this. So there weren't many good spots on the sand left. Therefore we walked around and watched the stars leave (no, most of them didn't stay for the show). So the sad part of my story is that I didn't really watch LOST (but hey...I can see it on Wednesday night like the rest of the country).

The actors I saw included (by character name) Locke, Jin, Hurley, Kate, Jack, Desmond, Mr. Eko, Sawyer, Claire, Charlie, and a few new characters which they introduced. I will post a few of the pictures and you can see how they turned out.....

After the premiere we went to Chili's for dinner and we ran into Tim Chapman from the DOG the Bounty Hunter... he was eating with his family. BONUS : -) And no I did not take a picture of or with him.

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